Here is a photo of the very first beads from the project - the one closest to the camera I rejected - it just did not quite look like the original.
These are some of the very last beads
I will let you decide if you can tell the difference.
Just this past week I completed my 200th Commemorative Bead. Well, actually the number is a wee bit higher. There was, of course, the original bead (1), 200 ordered beads, 10 donated beads and two rejects - a total of 213 very similar beads. Certainly not identical, but close.
They have been a joy to create and they have been difficult too. I can hardly believe that I can go down to my studio tomorrow and do whatever I want! Now, I have to decide what that will be.
The beads have all been cleaned, I just need to pack these puppies up and send them to the Bead and Button Show.
The Math:
Each bead consists of 112 dots, 48 presses and 64 rakes
Total for 213
23,856 dots
10,224 presses
13,632 rakes