Before we know it it will be 2011. Hard to believe. Seems like yesterday we were waiting for the world to end as we entered the new millenium and now 2011! Time goes too quickly.
I have already planned most of my out of town teaching and shows for 2011 and the year is packed with shows and teaching in new and exciting places. My year will begin with the Oasis show in March (that one is here in Toronto), then off to Las Vegas for the Glass Craft Expo. Just selling this year, but perhaps I will be able to teach there in 2012.
In May we hold our Toronto Bead Society Show. I am a long time member of the TBS and have recently joined the steering committee. I am the volunteer coordinator. Not really my first choice of a way to help out - truthfully, I am not that outgoing, so it has been challenging for me. Soon I am changing positions. I will be moving over to running the semi-annual TBS bead show. Spring will be my inaugural show (as more of the assistant) and then I will be on my own for the fall of 2011. This show was my first bead show ever and it will always hold a special place for me. I am thrilled to be taking over the running of it. It is already going along just fine, thanks to Sue Wise who has manned the fort for the last five years or so. I shall be taking over from very capable hands.
June will be Bead and Button. Now everyone must love that show. I have never been to such a big show - you could just get totally lost with all those booths. And the classes - I understand they hold over 600 classes! Unbelievable. I have five different classes scheduled, so it will be busy and tons of fun, I am sure. The calendar will be out sometime in December and you can start picking your classes on January 11th.
The summer will find me teaching at Red Deer College for a week. This has long been a dream and when they said yes to my proposal I was thrilled. I am not quite sure of the dates, but a whole week of beadmaking as part of their Summer Series 2011. I have long wanted to go back to summer camp and this is my chance! I get to be the counsellor, so to speak, but still a whole week playing in the glass studio - it will be such fun.
By the end of October I will be flying off to California to teach at Arrow Springs. The class description is already up on their website and I could not be happier to be invited. I will hopefully get to spend a few days with family at Lake Tahoe before teaching.
By then I will be happy to spend time closer to home. The fall will bring us back to the shows I just finished - the Toronto Bead Society show and the Ottawa show once more. It will be an amazing year, I am sure.
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