Lately I have been thinking about stringer work. Once upon a time, I would have told you that there was absolutley no need for those teeny tiny stringers - fat was the way to go. I learned how to pull nice, thick, even stringers. But time passes and we change - with these new beads I am pulling these little flimsy stringers that require a whole new set of skills to use.

Some of my new Ottoman beads with large holes have been made using some of her tips. I do have to say that after a time of working on a new style of bead I feel as if I begin to repeat myself. I love to play "what if", what if I change the base colour to x? What if I add an extra series of dots here or there. But after about 50 or so beads in a given style, I guess I just get a little bored and I begin to get ready for a change.
I started to play with putting very thin stringers horizontally down long beads and using minimal decoration in an art deco/roaring twenties sort of feel.
I am not thrilled with this bead - you can hardly see that inside those black dots are red dots - in real life it is not much better than the photo.
My second attempt took into consideration that perhaps one would want to wear the bead horizontally.
I am starting to like them now. That was the end of day one with my art deco beads. I had a chance to see them the next day and was able to find quite a few hours for my torch yesterday.
This is the result:
My day began with the pink one and stretching out the dots - you all know I love to do a little raking! Then I think I made the ivory one with the red and white dots. Next came another ivory one, again that has just got to be my favourite colour and I am not sure I will ever get enough of it. Then came the grey one - just how many dots can I get onto one bead and then lastly was the green one.
I am enjoying this new direction and my stringer work will only get better as time goes on. I also made one with a very large hole in grey as well - it turned out fairly nice.
So, where did the idea actually come from . . . I ponder such things. I am a big fan of Andrea Graham's felt work - she makes some amazing pods out of felt and I can sort of feel those in here. I also am reminded of the Roaring Twenties, but I cannot really tell you why. Perhaps it is best to leave the feeling up to you - you can feel whatever you like and share it with me. I love to hear what people say about the Ottoman beads - everyone has something just a little different that they remind them of.
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